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Allowing Archangel Michael, by Michael Abramson
Radiance Multidimensional Media

Radiance Multidimensional Media

Allowing Archangel Michael, by Michael Abramson

    Beyond my wildest dreams, I could have never imagined what would take place on that unforgettable, warm summer afternoon in Los Angeles, 7/17/2017, no less. 

    All my years of higher education, medical training, spiritual endeavors, and unique healing experiences fell by the wayside in utter surrender for the miracle that showed up.

I was quite blown away to watch her fully incorporate into one of the most powerful channels I have ever witnessed in my life

    While facilitating Traditional Chinese Acupuncture to my dear beloved Honi, I was quite blown away to watch her fully incorporate into one of the most powerful channels I have ever witnessed in my life.

    Her consciousness shifted as her voice began to change frequency with a ginormous male presence that slowly began to speak directly to me. 

    Standing in awe with my heart pulsating to the immensity of energy filling the room, there came forward a most powerful anointment by Archangel Michael through Honi. With great power and the grace of God’s words, he explained how Earth beings have carried lifetimes of pain and suffering that have been trapped within the vessels of their human body and have not known the removal of these deep levels of pain that would free them into liberation and transformation of their templates. 

    Archangel Michael then expressed to me that the unique healing I was performing on Honi (guided through his assistance), “is one of the highest levels of work you could do with many beings on this planet.”

    Upon hearing this, massive tears poured from my eyes while prolific energies shimmered throughout my body as I received this sacred transmission. I cried and cried and cried to this heavenly gift that was bestowed upon us. 

    Archangel Michael then profoundly stated: “You dear, must help the souls with their hands and feet, to open up all the fabrics to their channels in the fullness of their energy that vibrates through them as I will be cutting and opening up all the other channels.” When the transmission ended, I held Honi and once again cried my eyes out, intuitively feeling how this sacred transformational healing would dramatically help so many people. 

    Four years in, I am grateful for those who have opened their hearts and trusted me in facilitating this powerful transformational healing. It is truly a blessing to behold this sacred healing in cleansing and clearing ancestral energies to allow a new state of Beingness. I feel beyond blessed to have been a witness to several women who were able to become pregnant after the healing, dissolving years of infertility. I have seen individuals experience the arrival of their Beloved partner after clearing the most painful past relationships. I have witnessed career changes with individuals fully taking off with their Life Mission and so much more that has come from this rare & truly phenomenal Transformation Healing through Archangel Michael I was fortunate enough to facilitate. 

See Also

Thank You, God for this precious honor in being of the highest healing service to these sacred Archangel Michael Transformational Healings.

Deep Love & Gratitude,


To learn more about this powerful transformational healing and read the testimonials around the world, please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cef_Lh7bwKA&t=3s

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