Franco DeNicola is a master teacher and transformation facilitator for 30 years. He has shared his unique insights on the complexities of the human experience to individuals and audiences around the world. Franco’s down-to-earth and genuine approach reaches people at a deeper level, triggering and igniting a recognition of one’s own divinity and opening one’s soul to a higher level of consciousness and personal freedom. Find more by following his lectures on Facebook or at francodenicola.com.
If you’re getting wrapped up in the Old World, if you’ve got fear coming up – acknowledge it, thank it, love it, find out why you’re afraid – “What’s my story?” “Who am I?” “Am I not the divine creator here?” “Am I not the one who’s shaping this?”
By shifting that alone, you shift away from the Old World/inverted 3D & 5D energy to your higher state and your world starts to change.
I would suggest minimizing the old input as much as possible. If there is information you need to know, you will get it. Because if we put focus on the media – the changes that are happening, who’s coming in, what’s the next mandate – we’re giving power to that apparatus and keeping it alive. We can decide not to live in reaction to what that “screen” is saying.
Some of you are feeling like you are falling apart. I will say you’re going through a reconstruction. You are redesigning. All your innateness is coming into alignment more and more. You’re going to be purging. Some of us will be more emotional-based, some physically-based, or a mix. We look around and it appears many are clueless because they’re not on that fast track. That does not mean they aren’t going to experience change, however.
We have friends and loved ones deeply in the inverted matrix, and we’ll feel sometimes like we should save them. Ironically, the best way to do that is to be YOU and live your life according to your own terms, to that higher enlightened state of you. If you apply no conditions or expectations, you can share. Don’t get wrapped up in changing their lives or you will get yourself caught up in the Old World energy and dynamics. That ride can get colorful and sticky.
The best thing you can do is to start living as an example
Even if it’s your own dear children, okay? Use true compassion. Your true compassion realizes they are master creators, having their own experience. They may not be conscious of it, they may not understand what’s going on to the same degree that you may, but the best thing you can do is to start living as an example. Share with them only to the degree that they’re open without expectations. Do not or try to pull them out, because if you do, you get stuck, it delays you and then you will have more internal conflict. Share your clarity, but let them do it themself.
The ride will seem chaotic at times, and that depends on where your focus is – if you’re in the Old inverted world, it will seem like things are falling apart; if you’re in the organic 3D or 5D, you will see the “crumbling” as creating more wonderful openings and possibilities. You will never feel lost in it because you know deep inside of you that you can change any discord by bringing it into alignment with you.