When I was four years old, I came to the realization that my invisible playmates, as others referred to them, were Angels. They have been with me since as teachers, guides, and in a few unfortunate moments, my saviors. They have saved my life three times within flashes of light, and have soothed my emotions appearing within a human form, at exactly the right time and telling me exactly what I needed to hear. Then disappearing in the blink of an eye, a turn of my head, or around a corner.
I knew they were Angels, and never once did I wonder why. I never considered this question as in, “Why me over anyone else?”
My entire childhood was a training ground of metaphysical happenings. If you have ever watched one of the Paranormal movies, I can tell you that some of the occurrences are very familiar—including blankets being pulled off me, being pulled out of bed, and conversations with disembodied voices.
I never uttered a word about it to anyone until the age of 15. The pivotal moment was when my Grandmother Eula visited me as she was making her transition. She said that upon her shift from the physical flesh, she realized that she was a Seer. She had never known nor nurtured this gift, but she saw clearly that I was a Seer as well. And a powerful one!
She told me, “It is something you need to know, in order to move forward into the world and accomplish what you came to do.”
Out of nowhere, I told my Grandmother that I remembered being born. She didn’t bat an eye as she answered, “I know, Baby.”
Her words unlocked something within me, and the adventure truly began.
Many years have passed. There have been many self-realizations, adoptions of different spiritual practices, and extraordinary experiences including receiving the Aka Dua, an ascension and healing technology, in 2007. This is my life, but I wasn’t truly grounded until I was guided to research my ancestry. I was told that understanding where you come from and acknowledging your bloodline—your roots—will liberate you.
The Aka Dua helps to clear away the debris; dredging up those things packed and hidden within, that are not aligned with your true path and purpose. Through divine intention, the Aka Dua seemed to rapidly root out long-lost memories, trauma, familial and ancestral patterns that belonged to another time, but that I still carried within my DNA and bloodline.
The Aka Dua helped relieve the burdens from my ancestors that I was carrying, in addition to helping me recognize the gifts I’ve carried forward, to be unwrapped in perfect timing throughout my life. It has also helped me to acknowledge what was not working within my life, and guided me to a new way of understanding the world and my place within it. It was the introduction of a new way of approaching the world, from a space of higher perception, grace and wisdom.
As I now stand upon the shoulders of those who came before me, I stand in strength, empowerment, and resilience. I stand as a tree that is deeply rooted into the earth, reaching upwards and outwards, nourished by the Mother, Gaia, so that I am grounded, strong and can bear fruit. And nourished by the cosmos, the energy of the Sun and the Moon, and the astrological currents that take command through the many cycles we experience within our human lifetimes.
Within all that I have experienced, the thing that truly allowed my spiritual transfiguration, was acknowledgment and understanding of my bloodline. Our ancestors never leave us. They course through our veins, our genetic code, and are a deep part of who we are. And why we are the way that we are. I learned that Seers, Healers, Mediums, Voodoo Priestesses and Prophets riddled both the paternal and maternal sides of my family. My mother announced when I was 33 years old, that she was a prophetess and refused to use her gifts. She never spoke of it again, but both my sister and I realized that she unconsciously used the gift all the time!
We all have gifts we incarnated into this lifetime with, and all that it takes is acknowledgment and practice. Every seed must be nurtured. Space must be created within the well of our desires. And our fears and mistrust must be abolished, or at least set aside as we allow ourselves to explore and experience that which is new to us. And we must trust.
We must trust ourselves.
I used to blame experiences of the past, or people, or circumstances for my challenges. For my inability to be successful. Then one day, someone mentioned that I had a choice. I remember being angry for a time at hearing that, and then realization set in. I understood that the only thing keeping me from moving forward, was me. I was excellent at self-sabotage.
I’m not speaking of normal self-sabotage. Not the Muggle version of getting ahead in life, earning money, raising a family, having a successful career. I’m talking about the higher understanding that if I sabotage certain aspects of my life, I will not have the opportunity to evolve spiritually either, because I know as a species we are seeking unity—physically, emotionally, mentally, AND spiritually. I literally wanted the spiritual aspect of my life to go away. The challenge was that the more I fought it, the more open I became.
The Angels told me I didn’t have the option to go backwards, because you cannot unknow something you already know. The door was already wide open, and the more I tried to kick it shut, the more miserable and tumultuous my life became.
The Angels would like to say that the day HAS arrived where we MUST talk about this with anybody and everybody
I finally gave in. Mind you, all of this time I was in conversation with the Angels, Intergalactic beings, and Loved Ones who had passed on. They would come speak to me. I was receiving teachings and initiations. It was like dialing them up on a mobile phone, and giving them a cheery, “Hello.” Anytime. Any place. It is normal for me. However, I still thought that just maybe, I could be what many people call ‘normal.”
I would like to say that we all know that the day hasn’t yet arrived where we can talk about this stuff with anybody and everybody.
The Angels would like to say that the day HAS arrived where we MUST talk about this with anybody and everybody.
There have always been pivotal experiences within my life that shatter any doubts and leave me stripped naked and standing at an open door, whose threshold beckons me forward into a higher space and new way of being. Again, there is always a choice. I always choose to walk through.
In 2020 during a training intensive, I had a direct experience of God. In hindsight, it was a necessary undertaking so that I would understand the true nature and essence of God. And in so doing, I truly understood the magnificence and level of capability existing within the human species, and the power we have individually and in unity, to create a world where all people are valued and equal. And where peace reigns over war and dissention, intolerance and distrust.
It only took a few minutes with God in the “White Room”—which felt like hours—to truly understand this. It changed my life.
My teacher and mentor, Koyote, began guiding us in a meditation experience. As I was listening to his words, they began to fade away, and I noted that I was being pulled in a different direction than his words entailed I should be. Then the space, the other participants, and reality itself swirled away in magnificent colors turning to grayness. It was then that I was sucked into a glaring bright white space that appeared to have no boundaries, but that I knew I was trapped within. And there was a consciousness there that encompassed the space that seemed to have no beginning or end, but that still felt contained. The light burned my eyes and I closed them tight, and they still burned, leaving a retinal image like a mirage of my own soul’s pleading.
I birthed myself back into this world through an aperture of my own making
My mind and body flooded with painful emotions and realizations that did not belong to me, but that belonged to a multitude of worlds, and peoples, of rage, and fear, and pain, and struggle, and loss, and sorrow, and grief, and profound loneliness that was not empty. It bombarded me, taking my breath away, in an electrical stream of conscious light penetrating every cell of my being; and streaming throughout the branches of my nervous system as liquid light. Throughout the experience, I gained a knowing of everything I didn’t need or want to know, but I knew and experienced it all. And I felt the consciousness of God nestled within, blissfully asleep and dreaming everything that exists into being. And it knew I was there, even in its slumber. I sensed that as a visitor who had breached its chamber, it desired me to stay.
I was locked in a tight embrace of intense emotional energies, that I could feel threatening my sanity. However, for reasons that I could not understand, I was not torn limb from limb. Through sheer will and what seemed like herculean effort, I birthed myself back into this world through an aperture of my own making. And though I really have no idea how I did it, somewhere deep inside I desired to be rebirthed into this world. My world.
When I reentered my body with force, I began to weep in despair for all that I’d witnessed, and had been made to physically, emotionally, and mentally experience. And I wondered to what end, as I was handed my Destiny Drum and I drummed myself back into being in body, anchored and grounded.
Koyote was seated in front of me on the floor, helping to guide my way home to myself. He told everyone that I had entered the “White Room.” A term which I had never heard of prior. Though it was somewhat terrifying in the moment, the edges have softened on this profound experience, and great insight has come as to why we are here. And how I am meant to be of service to all beings everywhere.
I agree with the Angels that we have a responsibility, and have stepped fully onto my path, working as a conduit for the Divine Order of the Elohim. Through my vocal alchemy work, transmissions, spiritual initiations, and creation of conscious, sacred artifacts, I’m to bring forward the understanding that we are all infinite, and eternal individuations of the Infinite Source—God. We are creators.
Through the work that I do, I create ‘Access Points’, that assist your healing and liberation from the old paradigms that were created, and liberate you from constraints and self-imposed boundaries, to be who you are meant to be—authentically, and unapologetically. When the veil is lifted, the Angels herald the new day as a rebirth into higher understanding and consciousness. A rebirth into your divinity and remembrance of who you truly are.
A true awakening.
I was born within an awakened state. The struggle was real to discover what was hidden. I came here upon request, and I will not be returning. And within my lifetime, at this pivotal time in our history, I am here to assist others on their journey of discovery, recognition, and Becoming. I can truly see you.
The truth is that it was much simpler than I expected when I dropped the expectations. The expectations and illusions are manmade.
I will leave you with this phrase that the Angels are always sharing . . .
“Humans are always muddying up the waters, when God has made it expressly simple.”

Phyllis Anne Douglass is an Author, Seer, Angelical Conduit, Massage Therapist, Yoga Teacher, and “Woman of Knowledge” in the Toltec Shamanic tradition.