Sitting quietly, I prepare to do a reading for a client. I know that it is not I who will know what to tell them; I need to tap into otherworldly energies, My Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides… and even more importantly, those that will be brought in by the person I am to work with. Connecting with their essence is essential to bringing in a true and honest reading that will resonate.
How do you find your angels, your guides? The spirits that are here to help you on your journey? Sometimes, when we are looking, these beings can seem so elusive and hard to catch, even for those of us who know that they are real. It is easy to bandy about words like meditate and feel into___… but it’s harder to do it. For me, it has really come down to trust. The hardest part of working with the invisible is trusting that it is actually there. And I do that well.
Angels, Spirit Guides, The Higher Self… each of these terms refers to something that gives us information that will usually come through as simply a knowing without explanation. And believing in its validity, knowing that we are not daydreaming, imagining, or suffering delusions is crucial.
So, sit down quietly… Allow yourself to daydream and ask that your Spirit Guides come in. It is best if you have a question that you wish to ask them, preferably something not too complicated or impactful at first… but not too superficial either. A good choice of question might be to ask them individually about their job, why they are with you, and what area of life they help you to navigate. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and our guides are no different. Understanding their “mission” would be important information for you to have, so this is a valid inquiry.
When an answer comes to you, don’t second guess yourself and think you are making it up, but trust your inner voice and understand that a Guide has shown up and is sharing information with you. Know that you have started down the path of opening communication, and with further attempts further progress can be made, they want to be in contact. When you, and your Angels and Guides form a strong working relationship, you are on your path towards living and working your blueprint, the primary reason you are here.

Deirdre Selby, Career Educator and Owner of Crystal Enhancements, has been working with her spiritual gifts for her entire life. A Reiki Master, Chi Gun Practitioner, and Crystal Healer, Deirdre is highly intuitive to otherworldly energies. Whether in an intuitive reading, energy healing session, or crystal enhancement, she always comes from love.
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