Radiance Multidimensional Media
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Dance of the Divine, by Todd Medina
Radiance Multidimensional Media

Radiance Multidimensional Media

Dance of the Divine, by Todd Medina

As the Divine Feminine has returned
coming from a higher point of Grace
having sacrificed in pain
suffering and degradation
Her blossoming unfolds
with the understanding
of Her true and divine nature
as evidenced by the
selfless spiritual acts
She has blessed the Universe
and this Earth with.
Her awakening is fueled
by each moment as she discovers
and recovers
the sacred knowledge she carries
clearly seeing the beauty
wisdom, power and love
she had forgotten in Herself
but with each eternal breath
regaining her lofty space in the Cosmos
this new but ancient knowledge
fuels within Her the proof of Her place
Most High
because the price that She paid
is obvious and commands Presence.

Yet, the Divine Masculine
has a different trajectory
He comes from the illusion
of a higher place
in the physical existence
but a complicated, lower vibration
in the spiritual plane.

Where She has risen from a lower
station in the Earth’s 3D passion play
powered by the now rising epiphany eruptions
of what She gave up for Him
and for the expansion of the Universe.

Her path was much more difficult
to traverse in Man’s short history
however, Her ascension comes
with a constant flow of validation
of Her spiritual worthiness in the
same manner of so many
prophets and heroes;
Jesus, Magdalene, Joan of Arc
among others; because the virtuousness
of Her sacrifice and pain is easily apparent.
And as the wheel of Karma
wields Her mighty hand
the path before the awakening
of each and every Divine Masculine
will be altogether different
polar opposite
to what She has demonstrated to Him.

His road will be heavy as He comes
to the brutal understanding,
admission and hard truth that will
surface in guilt, shame and a self-deprecating
personal blame, before the beginnings of any
revelations of His divine aspect and place
as a multi-dimensional god
in the true reality of this
extraordinary multi-dimensional universe.

Where does He start
but from the same sacred silent point
that She has risen from
and how does He begin this long awaited
final leg of a journey, which will prove
his worthiness, holy and whole,
equal to the Goddess?

See Also
man in field ponders milky way

In the perfect order, it makes sense
that She has risen first, so that when he
comes to terms, painful and true, of what
He took from Her and falls to the knees
of His soul in surrender, the Divine Feminine
will be waiting with Her loving patience
and tenderest heart to receive Him in His
suffering, to hold Him in His tears and to
eventually assist the Divine Masculine
in all His Glory and Honor.

For more go to facebook.com/ToddMedinaSoulogyOne

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