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Emelia’s Healing Adventures
Radiance Multidimensional Media

Radiance Multidimensional Media

Emelia’s Healing Adventures

Publisher’s Note: What always strikes me when I think of my holistic healing sessions or hear someone else’s is how extraordinary it is when two or more gather to co-create miracles for both the client and the healer. Emelia Cuevas leads with her heart and shares highlights of her recent healing adventures. Go to emereiki.com to connect with Emelia. Note: All healers mentioned offer online services also.

I could feel the healing deep in my cells, organs, and DNA. As I released false beliefs and emotions, I grew as a healer myself

I heard Jade Elizabeth speak at a Holistic Faire and right away I knew I wanted to take her classes. I learned Reiki, Aura Healing, Intuitive Energy Healing (IEH), plus a meditation class (three times!): once for my own benefit, and twice more because I took family and Orange County Probation staff who were hungry for a shift in their work lives. Little did they know how much this training would support them, both at work and in their personal lives.

Jade is so caring, professional and accurate; she helps you see what your soul already knows but needs support to face in the moment. Plus, her knowledge of various healing modalities provides you with a full spiritual spa package. I highly recommend her as a teacher or healer.

When I would go to a Faire, I would set the intention to find the right people to support my energy and my journey upon arriving there. Immediately I felt the embracing energy of Chelle Goodfriend and asked about her flower essence products. I recall that I chose Prosperity drops and suddenly I had thirty people lined up to take one of my first teaching classes. When business slows down, I go back to my drops and in no time I am fully booked. I genuinely believe in the magical healing support of her products and have shipped them all over the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia and even South Africa. Chelle also delivers messages from various Goddesses – Mother Mary, The Virgin of Guadalupe, Quan Yin… love how Chelle represents Gaia and its beauty.

One day when I was meditating, I heard, “Look for the Quantum Healer.” And I asked, “Who?” The whisper came again, “Look for the Quantum Healer.” After my meditation, I sat with my cup of tea, wondering where to look for the Quantum Healer. As I was going through my emails, I saw that the Holistic Faire was scheduled for that morning at The School of Multidimensional Healing Arts (HeartSpace) in Irvine. When I arrived, I saw Julie Anne Crowther of Quantum Healing Source listed on the board and paid for a half-hour session. When she asked what I wanted to work on, I smiled and said, “I have no idea. Source sent me to you.” She smiled and got right to work. Her session embraced my soul in a safety net while she took me on a rollercoaster ride through the stars. Holy cow! Julie taught me how to communicate with all beings, not just archangels or my spirit guides. I was able to release the fear of what I could feel but not clearly understand. Julie is a one-of-a-kind healer and an awesome mentor.

Through Julie, I met Lilly Christiansen at a holiday meditation potluck at the Holistic House of Orange. I could feel the beautiful energy just approaching this healing center. Right away I felt comfortable in the middle of strangers; Lilly’s welcoming energy embraced my soul. We started attending events together and sharing healing techniques. Lilly has incredible knowledge of Ancient Healing modalities and practices combined with the knowledge of plant medicine, all under an umbrella of quantum healing. I have attended three Temezcal (sweat lodge) ceremonies and cacao ceremonies there that have been very powerful and helpful. In 2020, Lilly supported me through a couple emergencies, and I am forever grateful for her setting the sacred space for me to communicate with the Divine, transform and grow. During the last healing session I had with Lilly, I saw myself in the cosmos looking down at myself and my next steps in my spiritual journey. It was incredible out of body experience. A must do!

See Also

Stacy Pendleton is fabulous! I met her at a group healing sound meditation and when I heard her play her bowls, I immediately traveled to another world. When I heard her chant her first note, then I understood at that moment what quantum healing was. The whole time as I laid on the yoga mat in a room with fifteen people, I suddenly connected the dots (stars) in the Universe. Today I understand I was healing at different frequencies (dimensions), different lives. A couple months later, I scheduled a session at her lovely cottage in Laguna Beach and had an amazing healing session. I received guidance on how to handle the challenges I was facing in that moment. I left empowered and knowing exactly the work I needed to do. How can I describe a session with Stacy? PURE BLISS!

I saw Gina Kegel on a Facebook Live, raffling an energy healing session, and was blown away with her Emotion Code/Reiki practice: she read my energy through my timeline without even knowing me. I signed up for another session and started talking about Gina’s work in my class. All the students in the class were interested in her but they did not speak English. I mentioned this to Gina, she said she knew a little bit of Spanish and they could have someone to translate. I referred over ten people to her and I see the benefit of all our healings: as we each healed, we additionally helped each other in our journies. I could feel the healing deep in my cells, organs, and DNA.  As I released false beliefs and emotions, I grew as a healer myself.  After every session, I walked out with the correct tools to support myself. Gina is a bubble of joy, kindness, and wisdom. She holds a beautiful sacred space for her clients through Zoom and that is not easy to do. I applaud her and her services.

Crista Marie Miller, where do I start? She is a giant swirl of energy, wisdom, and “let’s get to business, no-nonsense right now.” She pushes you to grow, learn and submerge yourself in deep wisdom; to move forward in life but also to be the best version of yourself to assist others. After our second session, she challenged me to teach two to five people to empower myself. I told two friends I would like to teach them about archangels; 48 hours later I had 20 students enrolled in my archangel class. It was one of my best gifts in 2020 and I was able to release fears of teaching. The lessons that Crista provides at each session opened me up to have a wider, greater channeling connection. She introduced mediumship to me, and it has been a blessing during this pandemic. I get some exceptional messages from loved ones on the other side of the curtain, a connection that has supported me and my clients in healing at an ancestral level.

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