Radiance Discussions in the Age of Aquarius
This is part of a Zoom conversation between Radiance Editors Scott Ware, Torin Lee and Gina Kegel. Torin’s angelic newborn daughter Zoe even made a key contribution just by showing up.
Scott: We’ve been talking about how we’ll be crossing the threshold of the Age of Aquarius at the end of December, which is an underlying theme for some of the articles… what else should Radiance be radiating in the first issue of 2021?
If hope, faith, and belief could be one word… if you could combine all of those concepts into one energy frequency, that’s what the new dawning of the Age of Aquarius actually is
Torin: That we’re moving into a season of abundance. The Age of Aquarius is about abundance in all of its forms and it’s there for the taking. If you are open to it, and are manifesting it and staying within the vibe and the energy of it…
Scott: I like that. I tell you what I’m also getting from Baby Zoey… (she was visible onscreen at this point)
Torin: What?
Scott: It’s more from her presence.
Torin: Yep.
Scott: There is not a care in the world, not one anxiety. Just wonder… and fun… and love. Just nothing attached to anything, you know what I mean?
Torin: I do know what you mean. She’s very much an old soul. She’s like, “Pandemic? I went through a lot just to be here!” That’s good; I think it’s wonderful you picked up on that. But since the moment she was born, that’s been her vibe. She’s like “Miss Zen.” It’s pretty cool, actually.
Scott: I agree. She has this big, clear-eyed radiance.
Torin: And she can’t wait to meet you all, she keeps saying that. Going into the year, if there’s a word that’s bigger than hope…? If hope, faith and belief could be one word… if you could combine all of those concepts into one energy frequency, that’s what the new dawning of the Age of Aquarius actually is and can be for everybody who’s open to it. And if you have no more energy left, if you feel spent… lots of people have been feeling everything is out of their control… If you can just stay open to that energy, so it can come in and touch you, then you’ll be okay. That’s what Spirit’s telling me to tell you.
Scott: That’s a really good, thank you. How about you, Gina?
Gina: There is a lot of conversation in my sessions these days around the release of expectations… Because when you build up for yourself how you think it’s going to look or feel or be or works out… the universe doesn’t usually work that way, so it can lead to feeling disappointed or let down or cause a loss of faith or, you know, belief. It would behoove us to release our expectations for what the Age of Aquarius will be like. Everybody has their theory, but what if we can just be centered in our power and strength, and let it be, and unfold the way it needs to?
Scott: We could put that on one page, pointing to the next page that’s blank, like “Here’s your blank canvas.”
Gina: Hmmm. I like that. Funny and catchy, but also makes an important point.
Scott: Because I agree with you: living in the present means not imagining a future, except the way Joe Dispenza talks about being synced with a positive future reality that’s in alignment with you, which is not the same as “I needed it to look this way, or that way.” Because if we have that trust with a capital T, and the knowing that everything happens from our highest and best good, it produces a cycle of spiritual understanding that’s liberating and empowering. It’s easy to hook into expectations of how we think people or governments or institutions should act, but I realize whenever I think things should be “getting better” it’s a view that’s based on old models instead of creating anew. By force or by flow, we’re moving forward.
It brings to mind when Jesus came… they thought he was going to be the king and lead the army. They had a very culturally specific idea of what that would look like, and it wasn’t that at all. And so, there were a lot of disappointed people
Gina: By force or by flow… which one would you prefer?
Scott: Of course, to be like water.
Gina: It brings to mind… Jesus. When Jesus came, they thought he was going to be the king in the traditional sense and lead an army, an uprising. They had a very culturally specific idea of what that would look like, and it wasn’t that at all. And so, there were a lot of disappointed people.
Scott: Very good point. (long pause while we pondered our own expectations) So, staying present is more crucial than ever. Staying in alignment with our Higher Self. And I can’t think of a better purpose for life than to continue to experience life to the fullest. It’s always our choice of how we’ll experience all these happenings; how conscious we can be in that awareness…