Crista is a known channel of many high-vibration energies. When we asked her to address the passing of the threshold of the Age of Aquarius, this is what came through. – Radiance
My dearest ones, I bring in the feminine aspect of the teaching, the nurturing, the very essence of who we are as women…
There are four aspects we are shifting through and that I invite you to embrace: Relationship with Self; Your Twin Soul Flame; Your Relationship with Mother Earth; and Creating Your Future…
I say we because we on the spirit realm are going through it with you… No matter how isolated and separated you feel, you are far from alone, my dear ones…
The first aspect is the cultivation of a relationship with self… Self is number one, for no one can fill your cup but you… Do not even allow anyone to say, “Your cup is empty because you are not doing X, Y, and Z…”
What is your cup filled with?… Your soul calling… And once you achieve it, there is always something new… That is what makes life so enriched, so fascinating… Crista calls them hurdles; we call them opportunities for growth… See the opportunities as blessings… Learn to accept discomfort as this growth, so you may move quickly to the next phases of your spiritual journey…
Once you know yourself, finding others who are similar is far easier, even your soulmate, which does not necessarily mean a romantic connection… Your soul partner maybe your son, or your mother… The second aspect is sacred relationship with others, and there’s no need to self-sacrifice who you “be” to co-create with this being… You’re going to crave relationships that bring satisfaction on all levels of the human experience, and any life partner will grow with you, expand with you, out of their commitment to the union…
Relationship with Mother Earth, the third aspect, cultivates a profound awareness of the planet and the many sweet souls passing to the higher realms… Their soul’s decision to leave need not have judgmental energy from you… it is their time and their choice to not participate in the treasures that lay before you in the coming years…
The fourth aspect is that you are creating your future. Unconsciously this is happening by the billions; an unconsciously-created world that serves some, but not all… conscious souls are creating the brightest of futures for the collective with their conscious intentions, and we invite you to “jump on that bandwagon…” Know thyself and where you want to go so your vision is clear and path far less impeded….
As a bonus, I always speak about writing intentions in pencil… Pencil lead is the strongest form here on earth to create manifestation… If you cannot get a pencil, a blue pen has a similar, though slightly lower, frequency level. Use them to help shift out of the dark shadows, my friends, and this new light in this new breath creates that spark of hope, that spark of development, that spark of understanding… there is a calling for you to answer… hear it, heart it, and follow it for that is your truest path… Blessings my dear ones, I will leave you with that…

Crista is an Intuitive Medium, Voice Channeler, Certified Aura Color Coach, and Reiki Master. Crista began channeling Spirit at the age of 7. Her focus is empowering you with sacred wisdom from Divine Feminine Christ-Consciousness and the Goddesses that embody this lineage. She channels multiple teachers from this lineage including Mary Magdalene, Ana, Mother Mary, Kuan-Yin and so many more! Contact her at or by email at [email protected].