For the purpose of this discussion, we’re focusing on binary definitions of “men” and “women.” The non-binary are leading the charge of busting these traditional constructs – this is for the rest of us.
Have you felt the rise of the Sacred Feminine?
You might be feeling it in the group of women you loosely associate with, or perhaps you belong to a more defined group; an actual circle that meets regularly, even in quarantine.
Or you realized it deep within yourself: there is a power in the feminine that has not been fully recognized or fully expressed, and yet the volcanic desire to do so seems to be coming forth through all of us.
On one side, we have #smashthepatriarchy #metoo #aoc #rbgnotorious. On the other, we have become aware of a divine space being created in this realm for us to explore, express, create, and remove layers of conditioning to reveal our authentic selves.
This is truly the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
The Age of Women does not equate to the downfall of men.
The rise of the Sacred Feminine is also happening in men, and thank the Universe for that because we wouldn’t reach unity consciousness without all of us merging the sacred feminine and masculine inside EACH of us.
The Age of Women does not mean that men are now second class or irrelevant. In fact, men have always been heavily included in matriarchal societies, where diversity was revered.
What we desire now are men that are spiritually aware and not threatened by a woman in her power. We desire men who thrill in our evolution and celebrate our successes and our growth.
And because I would never ask of a man what I wouldn’t do – or have done – as a woman, here is a helpful partial list of how we can all be a valued part of this new age:
- Exploring spirituality in its many forms, inside or outside of religion. You are the best judge of what works for you, even if you have to boost your sense of worth to value your own transcendent experiences.
- Experience your chakras! They’re delightful portals to your spiritual aspects. Search “chakra guided meditation” on YouTube and have fun connecting with and regulating your health and energy.
- Be unafraid to connect with elements of yourself that you may have viewed as “masculine” or “feminine.” The old gender roles are dissolving, and that’s a beautiful thing.
- Gently engage your fears or pain around womanhood – they are the keys to your healing. What scares you about a woman in her power? What past relationships or encounters with women have caused you pain? How can you find healing for those experiences? Do this work and set yourself free.
- When you see a woman in her power, feeling beautiful and strong, expressing her opinions with confidence, acting in alignment with her passions and mission, lift her up with genuine recognition. Celebrate her and yourself simultaneously. Validate the glory that you are witnessing. Confirmation can be healing all around.
- Hold space for the women in your life who are expanding themselves. Understand that her expansion only amplifies yours. There’s no competition. You’re already loved unconditionally by Source – now experience this Unity Consciousness from your beloved sisters. Give it, get it, and revel in the divine connection. (Are you wanting to join a circle now??)
A note specifically to men: there’s no downside to being a Woke Man in the Age of Women. We don’t want to surpass you; we want to stride alongside you in equality. Despite all the challenges and distractions in the world, let’s gracefully do the inner work on ourselves to be able to join the enlightening collective to contribute to a new normal that’s set at a high, loving vibration that allows us all to shine. It’s up to us.

Gina Kegel jumpstarts and supercharges healing through Energy Healing Transformation Coaching sessions, which include current, past life and ancestral trauma, and self-love assignments to fuel profound change for lifelong evolution. She identifies and releases specific trapped emotions that adversely affect physical, emotional, and energetic wellbeing. Find Gina at, on, and on Instagram @ginakegel. Follow her column with the Los Angeles Tribune, The Journey-Centered Life.