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Neale Donald Walsch famously channeled the “Conversations with God” books and has just released “The Essential Path” which passionately illuminates how we can get out of our own way as a species to create Heaven on Earth. – Scott Ware
SCOTT WARE: I’m on chapter 12 of “The Essential Path” and it’s called “The Misunderstanding.” I can already see this is a key part of the book. What is the misunderstanding we have about life?
NEALE DONALD WALSCH: Well, you know, it’s a huge question that exists on many levels. I don’t think that most people understand even who they are, why they’re here: “What is the purpose of all of life?”
There are four fundamental questions that I wound up confronting in a very powerful way in my “Conversations with God” experience: Who am I? Where am I, in the overall universe? Why am I where I am? And what do I intend to do with that?
And there’s no wrong answer to those questions, and they may change from year to year, or from hour to hour… from day to day. But the questions are incisive. I try to ask myself those questions each morning when I look at myself in the mirror for the first time. Maybe I’m shaving or taking a couple of pills that I need to take in the morning… I look at myself in the mirror and ask myself those questions: Who am I? Where am I? Why am I where I am? And what do I intend to do about that?
The second largest misunderstanding is that we tend to deny who we really are: an individuation of God itself. The idea that we’re separate.
SCOTT: What do you tell someone who says, “I can clearly see we’re separate?” What proof do you offer of oneness in that situation?
NEALE: I say look at the world. Does it seem to you that the world that you’re looking at is has been created by a single individual? Or does it feel to you that the world that you’re looking at has been created by a whole large number of individuals acting together as if they were one and producing singular outcomes? Imagine what else we could do.
SCOTT: I have a question from someone on Facebook. They want to know how God’s doing?
NEALE: They should ask. They just call it something else: women’s intuition; stroke of genius; an epiphany; a sudden insight. They’re giving it all sorts of other names. But everyone not only can talk to God, the way I speak with God, but everyone is doing it all the time, and they’re just calling it something else because we live in a culture where it’s not okay to say I’m talking directly to God.
And I’m not talking about speaking to an entity outside of myself, up there in the clouds somewhere; we’re talking about getting in touch with an aspect of ourselves. That is that and simply calling it forth, calling forth the wisdom and the clarity and the understanding and the compassion, the patience to kindness, and if you please the love that exists within us, that is, in fact, who we really are.
SCOTT: One of my favorite parts of your CWG books is where God outlined an amazing school curriculum.
NEALE: In all the time I was in school, I couldn’t find a single class on fairness. Or compassion, patience, or understanding or unity, or divinity, or peace. Why we are not teaching our offspring these fundamental values is beyond me. Because I think that in highly evolved societies, these are the first things we teach our children. We have to take an advanced college course in ethics in order to find even the beginnings of what I’m talking about here.
SCOTT: Exactly.
NEALE: And there is no course that teaches children how to be who they truly are.
SCOTT: Do you forget often who you really are?
NEALE: Oh, all the time. I fall into my idea of myself on a regular basis, especially if I’m challenged. Or fearful. But less these days than when I was a younger person.
Later in our talk, Neale said this:
You know how to end an argument with somebody you love in a minute? You just look at them and say, “What hurts you so much right now that you feel you have to hurt me in order to heal it?” Let’s talk at that level.
SCOTT: Talking at that level is wonderful, absolutely.
NEALE: If you were president of the world, you know, the highest authority on the planet, what would you say to the terrorists? The terrorists who, cuz he had rules and hurt people and killed people for various reasons. I would say, “What do you love so much that you felt that you had to act that way because every act is an act of love. Even hatred, even anger, even terrorism. Their love of power, yeah, or their love of influence or money or their love of a principal, or their love of a teaching or their love of another person. And what God said to me in Conversations with God is the problem is not that human beings don’t love. The problem is they haven’t learned how to love without hurting each other.
SCOTT: You blew my mind with that one because the poles of love and fear were the two things I learned from Conversations with God, but this goes even a little further.
NEALE: Yes, it’s in one of the later books where it said Love and fear are the same thing. Fear is just an announcement of love. If you love nothing, you fear nothing. If you didn’t love your body, you wouldn’t fear of breaking your leg or going skiing. If you didn’t love your country, you wouldn’t fear it being taken over by somebody else. If you didn’t love your wife, you wouldn’t fear her finding a different boyfriend. If you didn’t love this food, you wouldn’t fear not having it. In fact, if you didn’t love anything, you would fear nothing. Therefore, fear is demonstrably and clearly a demonstration of love.
SCOTT: If we all saw everything like that, the world situation would bring up much different conversations.
NEALE: Boy, would it ever. That’s the God Solution.
What hurts you so much right now that you feel you have to hurt me in order to heal it?