Everyone always talks about getting rid of limiting beliefs. We all nod and agree: “Yes, of course I would never allow beliefs to limit my soul journey.”

But have we really hunted down and freed all of our unconscious programming? In Donna Bond’s new book “Original Wisdom,” she gives us a helpful list to work with and immense support to move through these spaces to freedom, and therefore power. Shall we do “the work” together?
“Before you can invite yourself to consider a new direction, you must first come to terms with where you are now. This is where you can become really clear about some of the limiting beliefs that are operating in your consciousness. Once you are willing to be where you are in the present, you can start moving in the direction you want to go.
Do any of these resonate?
- The more money I have, the more people will like me.
- The more money I have, the happier I will be.
- I must prove myself to earn respect from others.
- I must prove myself to show my value and worth to the world.
- The more material success I have, the happier I will be.
- If everyone likes me, I will have a better life.
- What I do or achieve in life dictates my value and worth.
- What other people think of me defines who I am.
- I need others’ approval to feel I’m making the right choice.
- I rely more on logic and empirical data than on my own gut feelings.
- It’s not okay to be vulnerable.
- It’s not okay to allow my real emotions to surface.
- Being positive all the time is the only recipe for success.
- Others know better than me.
- Connecting heart to heart with other people is way too scary and vulnerable.
- I can’t be true to myself, or I will be judged.
- I will only be happy when ______.
- If they really loved me, they would _____.
- If I find love, it will only lead to a broken heart.
- I’m a bad/unlovable person.
- I can’t pursue my dreams because they aren’t important.
- I can’t pursue my dreams because there’s no time or money in them.
- No matter what I’m doing, I think I should be doing something else.
- I should be further along than I am.
- I should be there by now.
- Things never work out for me.
- I’ll always have to struggle, while others have it easier.
- Physical problems always keep me from happiness and success.
- If people get to know me, they won’t like me.
- If I love myself, people will think I’m selfish.
- I must be perfect, or why bother?
- Everything is up to me.
- I need to go along with everyone else so I will be liked.
- If I dance to my own drum, I’ll lose the people I love.
- If I want a happy life, I need to control everything.
- I must keep up with the Joneses.
- I can only move forward if I have all the facts and know how it’s going to turn out.
- I’m too old.
- If I am too happy and am not suffering, people won’t love me.
- I have to earn love by doing things for others.
As an even deeper exercise, go back over the list to review and reframe, like:
- If I call upon the wisdom and guidance of my Soul, will I still find that belief to be true?
- Am I willing to release and update this belief?
- How can I transform this belief into a new belief that will support me in moving my life forward in a direction I want to go?
- What other beliefs hold this belief in place inside of me?
- Which of my actions and beliefs perpetuate this belief?
- If I could wave a magic wand and make a new and improved belief to replace this one, what would it be?
I am aware that my life is not a place to arrive to. I am aware that there are many perceived destinations that act only as pivot points along my life’s journey. I am aware that my life is a miraculous unfolding. I am a miraculous unfolding. My life provides the path on which I can discover and uncover my true, essential nature, which is the energy of Divine Love, and only on this path can I blossom…
For more of this Sacred Truth Activation, other free meditations, and access to purchase “Original Wisdom,” go to donnabond.com. You may also reserve your own session with Donna.