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Resilience Looks Good on You, by Torin Lee
Radiance Multidimensional Media

Radiance Multidimensional Media

Resilience Looks Good on You, by Torin Lee

Torin Lee, Associate Editor, Radiance Multi-dimensional Media

To say that these are interesting times to be living in is… an understatement. So, what can we each do to help regain, sustain and maintain balance in our lives? 

Believe in yourself. When you bet on yourself – even double down on yourself (see #3 below) – you expand and grow in unlimited ways. When you do this repeatedly, you attain resilience

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Throughout my years of coaching clients – personal and business leaders – I have noticed that people assume you are either a resilient person or you are not. In fact, resilience is a muscle, and as such, it can be trained and strengthened. Here is a list of powerful tips to build your resilience muscle.

8 Tips to Build Your Resilience

1. The struggle is REAL and VALID.

Do not compare your pain, challenge or crisis to those of others. Yours is legitimate and valid because it belongs to you. Do not let shame color your narrative around your stressors. 

2. Relationships are Key

Welcome people into your life who value what you have to give and make sure they know you appreciate them. Avoid people who blame you for their problems, and try not to blame them back or blame yourself for their actions. You don’t need everyone to like you.

3. Bet on Yourself, then Double Down

Double down on selfcare time and getting to know yourself better. You can give yourself a mental health check-up each morning by asking yourself three simple questions:

  • How am I feeling today?
  • Is there something I need to do to change these feelings?
  • What am I passionate about? How can I do more of that?

3. Unpack Your Baggage

We all carry a history of emotional baggage that stress can cause to fly open. Should you notice this occurring, seek the help of a professional coach or counselor. If that resource is not available – seek dialogue with a trusted, emotionally healthy friend.

4. What You Think On – You Bring On

Try to focus on what is GOING WELL in your life, which will lead to gratitude. Gratitude changes the entire energy of your existence and brings you more positive things to be grateful for. 

5. Selfcare 

Physical health is very important to building resilience: make the time. I recommend incorporating the following into each day:

  • Meditation – 15 minutes can have a positive impact on a cellular level. You can walk and meditate, sit still and meditate, whatever works for you. Try this meditation.
  • Exercise –30 minutes a day pays many benefits
  • Diet – be mindful of what you choose to fuel your body. Lots of veggies, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins are usually good – listen to what your body wants
  • Sleep – Quality sleep is one of the best ways to reduce stress, increase energy and lessen symptoms of depression

6. Find a Buddy

See Also

Just like with any fitness regimen, it’s easier to stick to it with a buddy. Together you can help each other stick to healthier resilience-building practices.

7. Help Somebody 

The easiest way to put your challenges in perspective is to help someone else out with theirs. Volunteer, reach out to others who could benefit from your skills and experiences and share your gifts. Today. 

8. Be Proactive

Studies show that the most resilient are good at looking at the situation, and then taking action. Action to “do what we can do” to bring about positive change. We cannot control what happens to us but WE CAN CONTROL HOW WE RESPOND. You have the power. Use it.

Remember you are not alone. The universe is conspiring to support you. I wish you peace, health and resilience, now and always. 

Coach Torin can be reached at: or www.torinlee.com.

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