…Many different things
anything you want
and we’re only talking linearly here for convenience, yes?
In a sense, you’re already dead…
because everything exists at once
and you never really leave “Heaven”
you just dream that you have.
Nevertheless, what you generally will experience
because of the way you think of these things
is similar to what many people relate
with regards to near-death experiences.
You may experience a shift from one dimension to another
like going through a tunnel of light
but that’s just a perception, an interpretation of the shift, from one level to another
You will be greeted by those who are already in that spirit realm
family, friends, and so forth
you will have the life review idea to some degree, in some fashion
and you will decide what you will do
with what you will have learned
and move on from there
in any way shape or form that you so desire
You can go on to other dimensions
You can experience the illusion of reincarnation
You can even continue to live the same life as if you never died
in another parallel reality version of yourself.
You can become a spirit guide \ You can have an experience of incarnating in an alien civilization \ You can explore the galaxy as a spirit \ You can go up to higher planes and commune with the oversoul \ You can even join communities in the spirit world and create whole apparently solidly physical reality if you wish
because again remember
As Above, So Below
and all the templates of physical reality already exist as a blueprint in Spirit
and you can still experience those things in a very physical way if you wish to, but of course
because it’s not really the same degree of physicality you are used to
in the blink of an eye you can change everything ~
Excerpt from a 2014 live event where Darryl Anka channeled the extra-dimensional being Bashar.