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Your Soul Has a Plan and It’s Written in Your Akashic Records! By Lisa Barnett
Radiance Multidimensional Media

Radiance Multidimensional Media

Your Soul Has a Plan and It’s Written in Your Akashic Records! By Lisa Barnett

Did you know that before you were born, your Soul made a plan for your life?

It’s like writing out a business plan, but here you decide which people you want to be with and support or have a family with.  You also make soul contracts with those people who will help you grow as a soul, and complete old karmic patterns. You also plan the gifts and talents you want to focus on so you can use them in your life. We often think of these talents as part of our “soul purpose” and many people are still searching for them. It may be surprising but we even plan challenges such as illnesses or other health issues, as well as trying situations to help us learn, evolve and eventually awaken.

All of this information, and so much more, is written in your Akashic Record. When we access your Akashic Record, I can help you heal the emotional pain and trauma or look into the various soul purposes you’ve written into your soul plan. We can understand these challenges and do healing on the blocks and pain which come from past lives and are affecting you in this life. I can help you clear past Karmic patterns which hold you back. We can even update and complete some of the old Contracts which are stuck and maybe making a new relationship hard to find, for example. You deserve to have clarity on your path in this lifetime.

How can an Akashic Reading & Healing Session help you create a new trajectory in your life? 

In an Akashic Session I will assist you to discover your Soul’s Plan and Purpose. 

  • Do you feel like you are at a crossroad in your life? Ready to gain clarity?
  • Time to stop struggling with money? 
  • Do you wonder if you’re on your soul path or what your purpose might be?
  • Are you ready to find true love or wanting to improve your existing relationship?

Through the Akashic Records you will receive soul guidance from your Akashic Masters in order to help you move forward with certainty.

Here are a few of the subjects you may wish to work on in your Akashic Healing session:

MONEY/FINANCES/ABUNDANCE: Your Soul is the energy of abundance and wants you to experience prosperity in your life. You may be carrying ancestral patterns of lack or past life vows of poverty. It is time to clear this pattern and create a life of abundance and joy!

See Also

WORK/CAREER/PURPOSE: Do you wonder what your soul purpose is? It’s time to understand the gifts and talents you came to share so you can feel in absolute alignment with your purpose.  

ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS: If you’re ready to attract a soul partner, we will look at the Soul Contract you’ve written for significant partners. 

FRIENDSHIPS/FAMILY: Do you wonder why you picked your birth family? We will look into your soul Contracts and Karma you have with your family and heal the emotional pain. 

Lisa Barnett is the International Bestselling Author of two books about the Akashic Records: The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records, and From Questioning to Knowing. She brings 25 years of Akashic counseling and energetic healing to her clients & students. She is the Founder of Akashic Knowing School where she teaches students worldwide to access their personal soul guidance and wisdom. Find her at akashicknowing.com.

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